Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dear my 'old' students

Dear all,

It's been like forever! How have you been?

I'm writing to tell you a good piece of news. Lang-8--the website that I've introduced to you before about learning language writing--has been updated! It's now a totally new online platform with very powerful communication functions like 'facebook.' It's also equipped with automatic spelling checker and dictionary!

I'm sure you're gonna love it and will benefit a lot if you continue to post journal entries! I also found there are a larger group of English native speakers up there, as a result of which I am sure there is a better chance that your journals can get corrected. I also recommend that you post 'English questions' on Lang-8. I've practiced this for quite a while and each single time I got replies or comments in less than 10 minutes. I'm indeed loving it now. Ha! You may read some questions I posted and what others replied from here: Lang-8

Finally, wish you a great Chinese New Year and hope to see you (or teach) you again in the future.

With kind regards,


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